President’s Message
by Lu Herrera
It’s Summertime and the living should be easy and relaxed, filled with happy times and memories. The CCHS is doing its part with its Annual Potluck Picnic, this year to held at Carlson Park on Wednesday evening, August 26.
I encourage you all to come out, relax on a summer’s eve with family and friends for a good old-fashioned picnic. As this will also be a General Membership Meeting, you will have the opportunity of visiting with the CCHS Board and learning more about what the Society is doing, the work of its various committees and its fundraising plans for our museum.
We hope you will bring not only a potluck food item, but lots of ideas and suggestions for future CCHS events and activities. We need your support as volunteers to help in our research of historic sites, the archiving of historic documents, and the planning of CCHS events and outreach programs. Remember, I’m always available and can be reached at (310) 838-1073.