by Stu Freeman
With my first official “President’s Message,” I would like to begin by thanking everyone who made the January 16th Installation such a wonderful success – and it was great to see so many members (over 80!) and soon-to-be members come out to show their support. It was very gratifying.
I’d especially like to thank the two Co-Chairs, Julie Lugo Cerra and Judy Stangler, along with both the outgoing Board and the incoming Board and Chairs for making it such a smooth event – and to Akasha Restaurant for the fabulous catering job and wonderful service everyone commented on.
As we move forward with the renovation of the long-awaited CC Historical Society’s Archives and Research Center (ARC), I want to thank two of our local businesses for their generous contributions:
• Cy’s Drapery Service has contributed and installed the needed vertical blinds for the ARC’s work area which will allow added protection from harmful light to our many treasures.
• Alpine Carpet has donated carpet specifically to enhance the ARC’s display area.
We encourage everyone to support these wonderful companies as well as all of our Business Members.
I pledge to continue the membership growth that my predecessor, Cathy Zermeno, oversaw, and encourage all of our current members to renew your memberships if you haven’t already. And I set forth a “challenge” to everyone to bring in at least one new member this year – or as many as you can!