President’s Message
by Don Rogers, President
The next General Meeting of the Historical Society will be held on Tuesday, October 16th. This is a very important meeting because the Nominating Committee will be presenting a slate of officers to be elected for the next two years. Your vote is very important and I urge you to be in attendance.
Our bylaws require that the President appoint three members to the Nominating Committee: one officer other than the President, one Committee Chair and one member from the General Membership. The Nominating Committee shall report to the Society in October and additional nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee. Election shall be by ballot held immediately following nominations. If there is only one nominee for an office, the election for that office may be held by voice vote.
I have appointed Virgie Eskridge as the Officer, Sandy Burton as the Committee Chair, and Sam Cerra as the Member-at-Large. I am sure that they would welcome any suggestions you might have for people to serve in the various offices for the Historical Society. You may contact them at the new CCHS telephone number: (310) 287-4558.
Other News: The City Council recently created a Cultural Affairs Commission. Included in the scope of this Commission is responsibilities are public art, performing art and historic preservation, among others. This is good news because the Human Services Department, which staffs the Commission, will also remain involved with the Historical Society and its interests.
We are off to a wonderful start in the cataloging of the wealth of material now housed at the new Society office. I would like to thank Susan Berg for serving as the Museum Cataloging Chair and the many other volunteers for their efforts.
See you on October 16th!