Notes From Your City Historian
by Julie Lugo Cerra
Our Community Cultural Plan is in place and we are now in a position to get some real work done. The Cultural Affairs Commission is trying very hard to get the plaques on those properties designated Landmark right away.
These include buildings like The Culver Theatre, which is now devoid of its “Culver” script, the very thing that inspired the new city logo. The theatre which will be known as the Kirk Douglas Theatre, is due to open by Fall. As your City Historian, I hope the Center Theatre Group will be responsible and use colors within the palette of colors that were appropriate at its opening in 1947 as precedent dictates.
Special thanks to cuz, Fred Machado. The Downtown Business Association and the Exchange Club wanted a picture of the Piccadilly’s Drive-In for an event they are sponsoring in May. Well, of course, Fred just “happened” to have a letter written by his brother Tom on a copy of the front of the menu! How about that “Square Meal on a Round Bun” and “Two good places to eat …here and home!”
As I am trying to tie up all the loose ends for the Images of America book on Culver City, I want to thank all the folks who have helped with photos, and photo identification. The pictorial will be so much richer because of you all. Although you know who you are, I mean the Society, Robert Battle, Steve Newton, Jozelle Smith, June Caldwell, Jean Barker, Paul Pitti, Roger Mayer, the city staff, and anyone I have forgotten…
You may want to watch for items on the Council/CCRA or Planning Commission agendas that pertain to historic preservation. Check the city website at at the end of each week. The Cultural Affairs Commission has asked that the City declare May as Historic Preservation month in Culver City. You can show your support on May 10. Mike Balkman Council Chambers at 7pm.
Our condolences to John Felix on the passing of our dear Pearla Staples. She was quite a lady!