Culver City during the summer is pretty idyllic – close enough to catch ocean breezes, not locked into the valley. Harry Culver definitely knew what he was doing!
In August, we will be the coolest place to hang out at Fiesta La Ballona, figuratively and literally, if past scorching temps have shown. The ARC will be open during the Fiesta from 12noon-4:00pm on Saturday (8/29) and Sunday (8/30).
We have moved our annual picnic (usually in July) to September, to coincide with the anniversary of the city’s incorporation. Sunday afternoon, September 20 will be our FOUNDER’S DAY PICNIC! Bring your family! No traffic getting to Vet’s Park! Also, the Archives will be open for everyone to explore our city’s history.
While we have an incredible amount of fun coming up, I would also like to encourage you to consider volunteering on one of our working committees. They are wonderful introductions into what we do! The Museum or Costumes committees are great ways to work with the collections up close. If organizing parties and events is your game, we can use your help for the Founder’s Day Picnic or our Centennial Committee.
Later in the summer, our Nominations Committee will begin meeting about the board for next term, starting January 2016. You have skills that you can contribute and I would encourage you to consider officially joining the team! This group only thrives and succeeds because of its volunteers. Your time is very valuable – we won’t waste it! I look forward to seeing you at our next General Meeting on Wednesday, July 15. Many of us have a special affinity for Johnnie’s Pastrami. (Meet me at Johnnie’s afterwards for a song from the juke box and a sandwich – with mustard!) As always, thank you for supporting your Culver City Historical Society!