President’s Message
by Michelle Bernardin, President
Dear Members,
Summer is here (not that we had much of a winter)!
I look forward to seeing you at BOTH of our July events – the July 16 General Meeting and the Annual Picnic on Sunday, July 27! This is the first time that we are having the picnic separately on a Sunday, so that our members can bring their families and don’t have to fight traffic to get to the park! In August, we will be the coolest place to hang out at Fiesta La Ballona, figuratively and literally, if past scorching temperatures have shown. The ARC will be open during the Fiesta from 12noon-4:00pm on Saturday and Sunday. And in September, get your scavenger team together because we are bringing back the Car Rally!
While we have an incredible amount of fun coming up, I would also like to encourage you to consider volunteering one hour a month on one of our working committees. The Museum or Costumes committees are great ways to work with the collection up close. If you are interested in interacting with school groups or putting your typing skills to good use, we have ways that you can help us. If you have attended our fundraisers over the last few years and like what we have done, our Development committee has very open ears for new ideas of fundraisers or merchandise.
This group only thrives and succeeds because of its volunteers. Your time is very valuable – we won’t waste it!
As always, thank you for supporting your Culver City Historical Society!