President’s Message
by Louise Coffey-Webb, President
Dear Members,
First of all, a warm welcome to all the new members, as well as those of you who renewed. It was fun to meet new faces at our last program of Broadway Melody: The Songs & Stories with tenor Winston Gieseke and accompanist Steve Fry. It was a superb program highlighting our ties to the early movie musicals and I know I wasn’t the only one singing and swaying along with the crowd!
Your membership dues cover the basic costs of keeping our ARC doors open, and our membership informed. Our four general meetings per year are usually accompanied with free entertainment – as with our annual Summer Picnic. Additional programs bring special experiences to our members as well as raise much-needed funds to help procure archival storage supplies and new displays. This past spring there has been a lot of activity in our Archive & Resource Center. Be sure to read Julie’s column for the latest news.
We are always looking for new ways to bring the fascinating history of Culver City to our ever-expanding population. For starters, we will be mentioned in the new Culver City Visitors Map (to be published later this year,) and by the time you read this, we will have taken part in the Culver Chamber Expo on June 27th.
Please come to our July 18th Picnic and BBQ at the Veterans Memorial Park. We welcome non-members too – and a little bird tells me that there will be some great raffle prizes…