Hope Parrish – President
Dear Members, Sponsors, and Friends,
Well, as 2024 is winding down, and we move into Fall, we will have our Elections of Officers at the next General Membership meeting, in preparation for the changing of the guard in January.
Here are your Officer Nominees. For President – Jack Bommarito, Co-Treasurers – Beverly Peterson / Caroline Wispe Burns, Secretary – Mara Bommarito. We still have 2-3 positions that need filling to complete the Officers on the board. I hope that within our membership we have some volunteers. VP – Programs as many know Dennis is stepping down. If you like to uncover local history and meet local historians, this might be for you. We need to continue our quarterly programs. Co-VP’s of Development, which is fundraising and finding new items for our stores department. Non- Officer’s positions available: Newsletter Content editor. Membership Chair. Docents to assist in the museum and with downtown tours. If you are interested, please reach out to our nomination committee at info@culvercityhistoricalsociety.org. We would love to hear from you.
October brings continued 100th-year celebrations. The NEW Culver Theater will be screening many MGM movie classics every Monday night until the end of the year.
Let us not forget the Culver Hotel which celebrated its 100th year, on September 4th. I think Maya and her team have some fun things up their sleeves! See both of their websites for more information.
We want to thank the Class of 1974 for including a stop at the Historical Society, for their 50th Class Reunion weekend. We love it when the room is filled with Culver High Grads!!
We want to thank Robert Greening for his very generous donation of Helms Bakery photo albums, framed photos, and plaques, that were his father, Harvey’s. We immediately put it on display.
We are thrilled our new friend Dean Ericsson is donating many of his father Don Ericsson’s personal items to the Collection. Dean is also the grandson of Dan Patacchia! Dean has also offered, Dan’s scrapbooks and personal memorabilia from his time working within our city to the Collection.
Hope M. Parrish