by Julie Lugo Cerra
First, let me wish you all a happy, healthy New Year! This is the beginning of my fourth, (and last), year as your president. As the Culver City Historical Society grows, we are finding ourselves “bursting at the seams” with gifts of memorabilia and historically relevant data. It’s a pleasure to see the interest and work being done, from the cataloging of materials and photos (thanks Anita, Charlie, Jimmy & Bessie) to the transcripts of Lupe’s oral history tapes, on the marking of our Historic Site No. 5 on February 27th (thanks to all of Dave’s work). A new item you will be interested in is the 1985 Annual Historical Calendar put out by the Marina office of FRED SANDS REALITY. Sally Paquette used a number of our photos for this year’s calendar and we were given photo credit. Jo Ellen designed new membership envelopes (nice job!) and Cathy and Lupe put together a timely exhibit for Glendale Federal’s display case. Marti is working on a joint meeting with the Santa Monica Historical Society and Rusty is pleased to see Pat do a great job on the books. It’s great to see things moving like this. See you all the 27th. Since the Marking will also be our “Annual Meeting” we have submitted the Minutes herein, a motion to approve the minutes as printed will be entertained at the meeting.