This time next year, Culver City will commence a year-long celebration of its centennial. The Culver City Centennial Celebration Committee, headed by Councilmember Jim Clarke, was conceptualized almost two years to help plan, coordinate, and carry out events, activities, and projects by individuals and organizations that will celebrate Culver City. Culver City businesses, organizations, schools, and individuals are working on their plans now.
The Historical Society has no intention of overlooking this auspicious marker in our city’s history. I have called a few meetings of a working group, comprised of officers and society members, all of whom have an interest in how we as a society will celebrate the city’s centennial. After a few brainstorming sessions, current working ideas include marking our 14th historical site, a Centennial Founder’s Day Picnic, completing a project that will display all our city’s trustees and councilmembers in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers of City Hall, and a mobile walking tour of our marked historic sites.
The next time we blink, it will be 2016. This organization will enter its 35th year with a newly elected board of officers, who will carry out and build upon the direction we are working out now. I hope you’ll consider joining us in the celebration! As a member, you are always invited to attend an open meeting. Your opinions (and your help) are invaluable to the longevity and continued purpose of this organization.
Thank you for your support of YOUR Historical Society!