by Stu Freeman
Can you believe it! Summer is officially OVER! I hope that it was a good one for you. It was a very good one for your CCHS – and we were very busy!
After the May 2nd celebration of Historic Preservation Month which was kicked off with a great party at the Culver Hotel, many of our members went right to work preparing the ARC for its next event: hosting a conference for the Associated Historical Societies of Los Angeles County. It went very well and our presence is becoming more widely known among our many sister organizations.
Most recently, we celebrated the La Ballona Fiesta with a tremendous turnout of visitors and wonderful participation by our members. Thanks to you all!
We also introduced our new historic umbrella at the Fiesta. It features pictures of eight of our historic sites and is very good looking (a great item for gift-giving at $40 each – and don’t forget our popular throws!).
On October 18th, we will be participating with our neighbor, The Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum (located across the street from the Vets and the ARC) in presenting “Home Movie Day.” This is an annual worldwide event where you may show your 8mm, Super8 or 16mm home movies and have them evaluated for preservation. For more information, visit or call 323.669.0431. You may also contact the Society at or call 310.253.6941.
Looking forward to seeing you at the ARC soon!