by Stu Freeman
I want to thank each and every one of you for your continuing support of your Culver City Historical Society. I realize that these are challenging times which make your generosity all the more valued and appreciated.
Know that your membership dues enable the Society to fulfill our commitment to improve the quality of our events, preserve and enlarge our archives, and expand our historic displays, as well as continuing our public service and outreach to the community. So again, let me say THANK YOU!
We have received many requests for reprints of photos in our archives, and are currently making arrangements to have a number of historic photos – such as the Meralta Theatre, the Culver Theatre, the Culver Hotel, the second La Ballona School and downtown Culver City – available for sale soon. More information to come.
Summer is here and that means that our annual CCHS picnic will soon be here as well. This year’s date is Wednesday, July 15, and will again be held at the Vets Park. So mark your calendars and come share the fun. And be sure to take the time to visit the ever-growing CC Historical Society Archives & Resource Center (ARC) as well.
We always look forward to seeing you, so please join us and discover what “old things are new again.”