President Hope Parrish
Happy Spring 2023 to our members and friends…
We’ve been busy! In January our new officers were installed by Mike “Mr. Culver City” Cohen, followed by a wonderful program presented by Nick Sparks, Co-Founder of Periscope Films. Nick shared the work in film preservation. undertaken by Periscope. That evening’s video is on our YouTube channel for viewing. Thank you, Nick and Mike!
We have some new faces. First, Maureen Fleming, who has begun implementing new displays with enthusiasm as our new VP of Museum and Archives.
Also stepping up to the plate, is a lover of history, storytelling, and is Mara’s hubby– Jack Bommarito! Jack joins Denice Renteria as Co-VP of Development. They have been hard at work arranging for volunteers to provide walking tours in celebration of the 11th anniversary of Jim Shanman’s Walk & Rollers.
We say goodbye to longtime photographer and friend, Kevin Lachoff, and welcome Ron Peterson, as our new In-House Photographer. Beverly Peterson has also joined the Board as Co-Treasurer with Carolyn Burns. Valerie Meyer officially chairs our Costume Collection with Madisen Matsuura, past intern, assisting her.
Dennis Parrish is back and will present a series of programs about Culver City’s early clubs and night life! And finally, Anissa Di Vincente is our new Webmaster!!
Fridays at the ARC are swarming with busy bees! You can see Elizabeth Voncannon going through boxes of history donated over the years.
Thanks to our continued collaboration with Adrienne Madrid, Career Counselor at CCHS, we have 3 new students-interns; Eve Mott, Maren Brown, and Taj Neufeld. Each of them bringing great energy to the museum!! Special thanks to all our volunteers; it takes a Village!
All of this is only possible because of the support and generous donations from our members and sponsors. Thank you!
See you at the Program!
– Hope