by Cathy Zermeno
By the time you receive this newsletter, we will have moved into our new Archives and Resource Center (ARC). It only took 26 years, but we did it!
A hearty thanks to Julie Lugo Cerra – the Society’s Governmental Relations Representative, a past Society President and Culver City’s “City Historian” – whose dedication and perseverance helped to keep us all going and led to this notable day!
And grateful thanks also to Robin Turner, the Society’s 2nd Vice President (Museum), and her fabulous committee chairs: Stan Abrams and Sam Cerra. They and their fellow CCHS members have worked long and hard to bring this dream to fruition. Sam took care of obtaining the proper permits while Stan began designing the space to make full use of the entire area. The ARC has been prepared and our memorabilia and wonderful historic treasures have been moved from storage to this new display and research area.
The MGM costumes are now in our care, and their condition will be evaluated with a full report to follow. We are getting everything organized and, in a few short months, we will be ready for business!
With sincere regrets, I have accepted the resignation of Susan Deen, 3rd Vice President (Ways & Means), who has given years of service on our Board of Directors. While we know she will still be an active member, we wish her the best of everything as she devotes more time to her own work and family. The term of this position will end on December 31, 2007, and if any member has an interest in filling it til then, please contact me.
I look forward to seeing you all at our April 18th General Meeting. It’s especially important as the revised Society By-Laws will be reviewed and voted on. What wonderful things are ahead for the community and the Culver City Historical Society!
Cathy Zermeno