President’s Message
by Cathy Zermeno
The January 18th Installation was a perfect evening and one I will never forget! A very special thanks goes to Event Chair Julie Lugo Cerra who not only did her usual outstanding job, but helped continue both the heritage of the Society and of Culver City.
For the Society: 25 years ago, Julie’s father, Charlie Lugo, was the installing officer for the first CCHS Board of which, I’m proud to say, I was the founding President. It was indeed a pleasure to have Julie and her brother Carlos Lugo do the honors for this year’s Installation.
For Culver City: The Lugo Family is a very important part of our history. Its ancestors were at the founding of the Pueblo de Los Angeles and inter-married with the Machado Family. Among the descendants were the “Machado Brothers” (Agustin & Ygnacio) that our Living History project spotlighted this year (see pg. 7). Agustin’s daughter, Vicenta, married Francisco Lugo, the great-grandfather of Julie & Carlos Lugo. And so, the direct line of history continues.
I have several goals for the next two years, including the preservation of the MGM costumes which the Society is overseeing for the City, working toward establishing our Museum open to the public, and, perhaps most importantly, increasing our membership with new blood and new ideas. In future newsletters, I will discuss these and other issues more fully. Until then, I look forward to seeing you all at the Spring General Meeting on April 19th!