President’s Message
by Steven J. Rose
Springtime has come at last and an historic winter seems finally over, leaving a record-breaking rainfall which caused millions of dollars of damage throughout Southern California. We too, here in Culver City, suffered damage to our beloved Culver Crest – along with hundreds of potholes in our streets. We know, however, that we will all prosper after this difficult time passes.
With our April quarterly General Meeting just a few weeks away, I’m delighted to announce that our guest speaker will be our own Martha Sigall. Martha has a new book coming out about her life as an animator for some of the major studios in Culver City and Hollywood. With more than 50 years of wonderful experiences to share, there is no doubt that Martha will give us a stimulating talk and no one should miss this exciting meeting!
May is National Historic Preservation Month, and the Society is very happy that the city will complete the marking of its historically significant buildings, more than ten years after the original ordinance was passed. We will be publishing a list of those building in the next newsletter as part of our year-long celebration of the Society’s 25th Anniversary (more on this soon). Thank you, Culver City, for completing this long anticipated project.