On Sunday, July 5, Society member Alex King, a noted researcher/genealogist, led one of our “Conversation” series in the Archives and Resource Center. Alex showcased resources like the University of California, Riverside digital library, from which he shared 1800’s era articles that offer insight into La Ballona School’s operation in 1875, and political meetings hosted by Jose de la Luz Machado.
Following are several links he suggested for online archives of digital newspaper images. Some are free, others have a fee to see the images. All are searchable.
- California Digital Newspaper Collection – http://cdnc.ucr.edu
- Genealogy Bank (general access) – www.genealogybank.com
- News Bank (library access) – www.newsbank.com
- Newspapers.com (owned by Ancestry.com) – www.newspapers.com
- Chronicling America – Historic American Newspapers (Library of Congress) – http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov
- The British Newspaper Archive – www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk
- Newspaper Archive – www.newspaperarchive.com