by Cathy Zermeno
The Grand Opening of the Culver City Historical Society’s “ARC” – Archive & Research Center – was held during this year’s Fiesta La Ballona weekend on August 25 & 26. It was a huge success – lots of old and new friends came by to wish us well at our permanent home in the Veterans Memorial Building complex.
On display were several items relating to the Fiestas of years gone by -– a sample of what our Fiesta collection contains. Costumes Chair Louise Coffey-Webb selected a Fiesta Queen’s costume, circa 1951, which was fitted on a mannequin that looked beautiful. The workmanship of those days was unbelievable!
Robin Turner, Museum VP, and her committee did a fantastic job displaying our collection of Fiesta memorabilia. We have so many interested items, and most all of them have been donated to us. It was a great eye-opener for our guests to get a glimpse of what wonderful things will be displayed in the future.
Culver City’s 90th Anniversary was a fantastic success! The community came out to the historic Culver Hotel — for which we have General Manager Doug Newton to thank – and a good time was had by all. Special thanks also to our own Julie Lugo Cerra and her committee who did a great job of organizing the gala party!
With my term as your President coming to an end, I want you all to know that I’ve enjoyed every minute of my second term. This has been a very memorable two years. As the Society’s first president, when a permanent home was still a dream in 1980, I am thrilled to see that dream come true and I thank everyone who has supported us throughout these years.
I hope to see you all at the October 17th General Meeting – this is a very important business meeting: the Election of the CC Historical Society’s Officers.