President’s Message
by Cathy Zermeno
While I had originally started my column by talking about summer events and our Annual Picnic (which was a huge success!) the BIG NEWS for the Society is the confirmation of a permanent site for our long-awaited Culver City Heritage Museum!
On Monday, Sept. 25th, the City Council passed Agenda Item A-2 and entered into a long-term agreement with the Society for a site in the Veterans Memorial complex that we will immediately begin to make plans for not only the Museum, but for a variety of activities, programs, etc. that we have been working on for so many years.
As the Founding President of the CC Historical Society, it is especially sweet to have this come during my second term as Society President. I pledge to you that we will all take this wonderful opportunity and start along our “yellow brick road” to firmly establish the Society’s importance and contributions to the city and to the community. I also want to thank everyone who were able to attend the meeting and sent emails on behalf of the Society to help pass A-2. Congratulations to us all – we did it!
I do hope everyone had a great summer and had the chance to attend this year’s Fiesta La Ballona and some of the concerts held at the City Hall’s patio. It was a hot summer, but lots of fun things were happening!
Finally, I am also very proud to have been able to nominate our own Museum VP, Robin Turner as a Lions Club “Unsung Hero” as she is very deserving of this award. (See Pg. 1 story.) Her professional status as a respected archeologist, has brought a new dimension to our “history gathering” and she will tell us more about this when she speaks on “Sifting Through Culver Sands” at the Fall General Meeting on Wednesday, October 18th. See you there!