by: Julie Lugo Cerra
January always begins with a celebration of a fresh new year, but this year, we really have something to celebrate! This is the year that the CC Historical Society turns the corner. Soon we will be in our new “digs” – appropriately headed by our resident archeologist/paleontologist and Museum Chair, Robin Turner.
In the last 26 years, we have gathered a lot, catalogued some, and now we especially need to work hard to pull it all together. Bring your ideas, your expertise, your interest and join the fun.
As always, I want to acknowledge some special folks who contribute to and enhance our ongoing historical research – and now it has become even more exciting, since we will have display space to share with the public.
New member Bob Hattem is a wealth of information and great researcher. Bob has been writing a lot and sharing his work. He recently found and forwarded a copy of Sister Wittenberg’s remarks to Los Californianos in 1991 on the Machado Family. She is the author of the definitive work on the Rancho La Ballona and the Machado family genealogy.
Robert Pennock, a 1937 graduate of the Pacific Military Academy (PMA), called from his home in Washington state, and then sent a folder from his personal memorabilia from the PMA. We now have a 1937 Commencement invitation with the PMA on the cover with photos of the cadets drilling, their uniforms and the radio tower on the property in the background.
The PMA was established by Harry Culver in honor of his father, and although it was located in Culver City for a very short time, it moved nearby and is certainly a part of our history. It is the location Harry Culver taught his daughter, Patricia, to ride side-saddle, and the site of that often-used photo of Harry Culver on horseback.