President’s Message
by Julie Lugo Cerra
I hope you can join us the 28th for an enjoyable dinner meeting. We will accomplish a great deal, by also doing “rubbings” of all the markers at Vet’s Building, (They have lights, I hope…this may take a while!)
I want to thank all the people who have been thinking of “posterity” and forwarding memorabilia for us to save. Mildred Kearney’s collection is priceless, much of it from husband John and some beautifully organized photos and info put together for the Bicentennial. Thanks “M.E.” – that stands for Mildred Emily…Pauline Dolce cleaned out the vault in the Clerk’s office, and are we glad! She found a rendering of the “Proposed Helms Building”, so it has to be 1932 or before! Lu Herrera has forwarded some “city treasures” too. Keep up the good work!
Special thank you to Carolyn De Jong, winner of our Money Hat, Carolyn donated some of her winnings right back to CCHS…
A Super Thank you to Nanitta Pachmayr for her generous donation to our Museum Fund!
An announcement will be made at the meeting regarding our next “Historical Site”…